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Must-Have Business Insurance For Startups

Must-Have Business Insurance For Startups

When you are just starting your business, it’s easy to lose sight of just how many potential risks your company faces. Yet a … View Post
Probate: What It Is & How To Avoid It—Part 2

Probate: What It Is & How To Avoid It—Part 2

Unless you’ve created an estate plan that works to keep your family out of court, when you die (or become incapacitated) many of … View Post
4 Risk-Management Strategies To Protect Your Business and Personal Assets

4 Risk-Management Strategies To Protect Your Business and Personal Assets

No matter what line of business you are in, the reality of being a successful business owner is that you open yourself up to … View Post
Updating Your Estate Plan For Divorce: 5 Changes To Make

Updating Your Estate Plan For Divorce: 5 Changes To Make

Even if the process is amicable, divorce can be one of life’s most stressful events. With so many major changes taking place, it’… View Post
Probate: What It Is & How To Avoid It—Part 1

Probate: What It Is & How To Avoid It—Part 1

Unless you’ve created a proper estate plan, when you die many of your assets must first pass through the court process known as … View Post
5 Strategies For Boosting Your Startup’s Cash Flow

5 Strategies For Boosting Your Startup’s Cash Flow

Although cash is the lifeblood that sustains every business, far too many business owners fail to properly manage their cash flow. And this is … View Post
3 Red Flags To Watch For When Dealing With Problem Clients

3 Red Flags To Watch For When Dealing With Problem Clients

If you’ve ever had clients who were more trouble than they were worth, you know how stressful such toxic relationships can be. Yet, … View Post
Protect Your Home, Family, & Assets From The Growing Threat Of Natural Disasters

Protect Your Home, Family, & Assets From The Growing Threat Of Natural Disasters

Over just the last two years, we’ve seen historic levels of damage caused by natural disasters in the U.S. From blizzards in … View Post
What To Expect From Your Initial Meeting With Us Your Personal Creative Lawyer

What To Expect From Your Initial Meeting With Us Your Personal Creative Lawyer

Whether you’ve met with an estate planning lawyer before or it’s your first time, it’s important to understand how working with … View Post
Understanding The Limits of Limited Liability

Understanding The Limits of Limited Liability

One of the main reasons for setting up your business as a corporation or limited liability company (LLC) is to shield your personal assets … View Post
3 Best Practices To Avoid Misclassifying Employees As Independent Contractors

3 Best Practices To Avoid Misclassifying Employees As Independent Contractors

In the last decade, the rise of the gig economy has fueled an unprecedented increase in the number of independent contractors (ICs) in the … View Post
4 Reasons Why Estate Planning Is So Essential For Business Owners

4 Reasons Why Estate Planning Is So Essential For Business Owners

If you are running a business, it’s easy to give estate planning less priority than your other business matters. After all, if you’… View Post
9 Topics To Cover In Your Employee Handbook

9 Topics To Cover In Your Employee Handbook

If your company has (or plans to have) employees, a well-written employee handbook is an essential communication resource between you and your team. An … View Post
Purchasing Life Insurance For Your Family: What You Need To Know

Purchasing Life Insurance For Your Family: What You Need To Know

Life insurance is a key component of your family’s estate plan, offering those who depend on you for their financial security a safety … View Post
Protect Your Business and Family With a Buy-Sell Agreement

Protect Your Business and Family With a Buy-Sell Agreement

Whenever you have a partner or multiple owners in a business, one of the most important—but often overlooked—aspects of the relationship is … View Post
Don’t Leave Your Children With The Babysitter Until You Read This

Don’t Leave Your Children With The Babysitter Until You Read This

As we head into the third year of the pandemic, we are coming to terms with just how fragile our lives and health really … View Post
7 Tips For Creating A Winning Business Plan

7 Tips For Creating A Winning Business Plan

Far too many aspiring entrepreneurs jumpstart their businesses without taking the time to properly plan. Just as a builder uses a blueprint to ensure … View Post
Preventing Family Conflict And Disputes Over Your Estate Plan

Preventing Family Conflict And Disputes Over Your Estate Plan

No matter how well you think you know your loved ones, it’s impossible to predict exactly how they’ll behave when you die … View Post
Is It Time To Rethink Your Company’s Cybersecurity?

Is It Time To Rethink Your Company’s Cybersecurity?

As a small business owner, you may not consider cybersecurity as one of your top priorities, especially if you have a limited online presence. … View Post
5 Ways DIY Estate Plans Can Fail & Leave Your Family At Risk—Part 2

5 Ways DIY Estate Plans Can Fail & Leave Your Family At Risk—Part 2

Do a Google search for “digital wills” or “online estate planning,” and you’ll find dozens of different websites offering low-cost, do-it-yourself (DIY) and … View Post