
Got Intellectual Property? Include It In Your Estate Plan

If you create music, own a business, write stories, or build gadgets in your garage, you almost certainly have intellectual property. However, because intellectual property is intangible, it’s often overlooked in estate planning. Read more…

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You Have IP! Be Sure Not to Lose It … Here’s How

You don’t have to own a large company to own intellectual property, but because intellectual property is intangible, it’s often overlooked in your business’s succession plan and your own personal estate plan. Read more…

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Paying It Forward: How to Build Your Legacy Through Mentorship

As a business owner, it can be easy to see an opportunity to mentor a young professional as a purely charitable experience. But mentorship can play a pivotal role in shaping your legacy when you approach it with the right mindset. Read more…

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Help Your Parents Avoid These New Financial Scams – Part 2

In part one of this series, we explored two popular scams that are targeting older adults this year. In this week’s blog, I’m sharing two more scams that you and your parents need to be aware of, plus tips for staying protected. Read more…

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AARP and The Red Cross Celebrate Make-A-Will Month, But Here’s What They Didn’t Tell You

AARP and the Red Cross celebrate Make-A-Will Month by encouraging you to make a Will for free online, but what they aren’t sharing could leave your family with a mess. Read more…

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