
Why “Just a Will” Is Never Enough

When you think of estate planning, a Will is usually the first thing that comes to mind. In fact, most people who contact me tell me they don’t need anything complicated for their estate- just a Will. But although they are a key part of your estate plan, relying on only a Will leaves huge gaps in your estate and actually guarantees that your family will need to go to court when you die. Read more…

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Embrace the Future: 5 Ways to Use AI for Your Small Business – Part 2

Last week, we explored two real-world ways you can use an AI language model to improve your small business from building efficiency to marketing your brand. This week I’m continuing the discussion to bring you three more ways to use AI to support your business. Plus, I’ll explain when to bring in professional (human) business guidance that a machine can never replace. Read more…

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Create a Stronger Blended Family Through Estate Planning

If you have a blended family, estate planning is critical if you want your loved ones to avoid court and conflict in the event you die or become incapacitated. But planning for your blended family is also a great opportunity to strengthen your family bond through open conversations about your wishes and goals for your family and the love you have for them. Read more here …

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Embrace the Future: 5 Ways to Use AI for Your Small Business – Part 1

As a small business owner, you wear a lot of hats and probably work a lot of hours to get it all done… and you still have a lot left on your plate. Until you’re ready to hire on more help (let’s talk about that soon!), you can leverage simple-to-use, free online AI tools to take some of that work off of your plate or get it done faster.

I know what you’re probably thinking… Isn’t AI going to take over all of our jobs, overthrow humanity, and plug us all into the Matrix so we can fuel their machines? Fret not. AI is here to provide time-saving benefits that you can use right now. Read more…

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4 Ways to Use AI to Make Life Easier for You and Your Family

AI technology is here, but don’t worry, you don’t need to be a techie to make AI work for you (or fear that it will lead to a revolution of Schwarzenegger-esque cyborgs). This week, I’m exploring 4 ways you can use AI language model software to make your family’s life easier. I’ll share real-world examples of the software in use, so you can free up more time for the things and people you love. Read it here…

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