
3 Simple Mistakes That Can Derail Your Estate Plan

If you’re tempted to use a DIY estate planning service or have already created a plan you aren’t 100% confident in, be sure to read how these three simple mistakes can derail your estate plan and leave your family with an expensive mess. We regularly meet with clients who ask us to review an estate plan that they created online or with an attorney who isn’t experienced with estate planning. You see, these clients usually think they found a faster and cheaper solution to estate planning, but once the plan is signed and done, they’re often left wondering whether this… View Post

4 Reasons Why Estate Planning Is Critical For Business Owners

If you are running a business, it’s easy to prioritize estate planning less than your other business matters. After all, if you’re facing challenges meeting next month’s payroll or your goals for growth over the coming quarter, concerns over your potential incapacity or death can seem far less urgent. But the reality is considering what would happen to your business in the event of your incapacity or when you die is one of your most pressing responsibilities as a business owner. Although estate planning and business planning may seem like separate tasks, they’re inexorably linked. And given that your business… View Post

Top 5 Questions To Consider Before Hiring A Lawyer For Your Estate Planning Needs

I know discussing topics like death, incapacity, and other potentially frightening life events, with someone like me,  an estate planning lawyer, may feel intimidating or even morbid. Take a  deep breath and relax… it doesn’t have to and shouldn’t be that way. Hiring a lawyer to help you make wise decisions for life and death can be the most empowering choice you ever make for yourself and your loved ones. The way I explain it to my friends and family is, “estate planning isnt about planning for your death, it’s about planning for your life.” So, with that frame in… View Post

Why Every Business Owner Should Consider A Trust

Trusts are often underused or misused tools for business owners, as they can provide a range of tax, asset protection, and succession planning benefits, when established and maintained in the right way. As a Creative Business Counselor with family business planning expertise focusing on serving business owners, I can help you choose the right Trust strategy for protecting your assets, managing your income taxes and ensuring your family doesn’t get stuck with a big estate tax bill or in an unnecessary court process, if you become incapacitated or die.  Protect Your Personal & Business Assets One key benefit of a… View Post

Estate Planning Before You Travel: Why It’s Critically Important

Vacations can be the perfect opportunity to relax, disconnect from work and responsibilities, and enjoy your spouse, partner, kids’ or friend’s  company. But before you head off on your next getaway, there’s something else you should consider doing that might not sound quite as fun—creating an estate plan. While it may not sound like the most thrilling way to spend a day, here are some reasons why you need to think about your estate plans before you travel.  Yes, Even Married Couples Need an Estate Plan You might think that because you are married, you don’t need an estate plan.… View Post