
What Needs To Be Included In A Client Contract

Client contracts, or agreements, refer to legal agreements between businesses and consumers. They help establish expectations for the individuals who use a business’s products or services. Additionally, they outline what customers can do if they have an issue with the product or service, including how they can complain. Businesses typically use client contracts to ensure their customers remain satisfied while also protecting the business’s interests. Understanding the essentials to include in a client contract can help business owners achieve this and develop clear, binding agreements. Client and Company Details Client contracts typically begin by outlining the parties involved in the… View Post

Keep the Government and Lawsuit Happy Opportunists Away From Your Children’s Inheritance

If you have a current estate plan, I’ll bet you plan to leave your assets to your children outright and unprotected by age 35, or maybe a little later. Go take a look at your estate plan, and see what it does right now. And, if you don’t have an estate plan, and you have kids or other people you care about, contact us today and let’s get that handled for you.  If you do have a plan and it distributes your assets outright to your kids — even in stages, over time, some at 25, then half of what’s… View Post

What Every Business Owner Needs Now… Live Every Day As If It Could Be Your Last

If you dream of one day retiring from your business, selling it, or leaving your company to your family, there are essential planning steps to take care of today, no matter how far away you think that time may be. Even if you are just starting, beginning with the end in mind will set your business up for a lifetime of success and leave your heirs, clients or customers, and team with a valuable asset when you are gone.  Perhaps surprisingly, properly planning for what would happen to your business upon your death or incapacity is one of the most… View Post

5 Reasons Why Shopping For The Cheapest Estate Plan Could Leave Your Family With An Unintended Mess

In most cases, from the most sophisticated business people with the highest net worth to those just starting in the workforce and on their path to adulthood, you very likely do not know how to evaluate estimates when shopping for an estate plan. Shopping for an estate plan based on getting the lowest cost plan possible is often the fastest path to leaving your family with an empty set of documents (maybe in a beautiful binder, but not worth the paper they are written on) that won’t work for your family when they need it. Unfortunately, we see the negative… View Post

How To Choose The Right Entity Structure For Your Company—Part 2

Of all the different choices you have to make when starting a new business, arguably none is more critical or has a more significant impact on your success or failure than your choice of business entity structure. The entity you choose will affect everything from the amount of taxes you pay and the type of records you are required to keep to how vulnerable your personal assets are to the legal and financial liabilities incurred by your company, and even your ability to finance your venture. When choosing between the different entity types, you will be considering one of the… View Post