
5 Strategies For Boosting Your Startup’s Cash Flow

Although cash is the lifeblood that sustains every business, far too many business owners fail to properly manage their cash flow. And this is despite the fact that statistics consistently show that running out of money is one of the main reasons new businesses go under. Trying to run a business without carefully managing your cash flow is like fighting a rising tide: Sooner or later you’re going to find yourself underwater. And even if your business generates healthy revenue, you can still experience the occasional cash crunch—which is especially true during your first few years of operation. To avoid… View Post

3 Red Flags To Watch For When Dealing With Problem Clients

If you’ve ever had clients who were more trouble than they were worth, you know how stressful such toxic relationships can be. Yet, it can be difficult to drop a client, especially if your business is just getting off the ground or cash is tight. That said, when dealing with certain problem clients, sometimes the best thing you can do is end the relationship. Keep in mind, not every client is actually worth working with. In the worst cases, you’d be better off having never done business with some clients at all. With this in mind, if you’ve experienced one… View Post

Protect Your Home, Family, & Assets From The Growing Threat Of Natural Disasters

Over just the last two years, we’ve seen historic levels of damage caused by natural disasters in the U.S. From blizzards in Texas and wildfires in California to hurricanes in Louisiana and tornados in the Midwest, few regions of the country are immune to such catastrophes. And based on the latest data from the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO), things are only going to get worse. The WMO found that climate change has helped drive a five-fold increase in the number of weather-related disasters in the last 50 years, and these calamities are getting more severe each year. As… View Post

What To Expect From Your Initial Meeting With Us Your Personal Creative Lawyer

Whether you’ve met with an estate planning lawyer before or it’s your first time, it’s important to understand how working with us, your Personal  Creative Lawyer® is different from meeting with a traditional lawyer.  Here we will explain what’s involved with our process, in hopes that it will inspire you to meet with us, your Personal Creative Lawyer® and get clear on what your family needs you to have in place, so you don’t leave behind a mess if you become incapacitated or when you die. We promise to help you make the wisest, most affordable, most effective, time-saving plan… View Post

Understanding The Limits of Limited Liability

One of the main reasons for setting up your business as a corporation or limited liability company (LLC) is to shield your personal assets from debts and other liabilities incurred by your business. Corporations and LLCs exist as separate legal entities from their owners, which allows the business itself to acquire assets, enter into contracts, and take on debt.  In turn, if your business is unable to pay its debts, creditors are typically allowed to only go after your company’s assets, not your personal assets. However, there are several circumstances in which business owners can be held personally liable, and… View Post